United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Australian Treaty Series Number
[1994] ATS 31
Done at Place and Date
Montego Bay, Jamaica, 12/10/1982
Short Title
Treaty Status (General)
In Force
Treaty Status (Australia)
In Force
Agreement Type
Status List Site
Subject of Treaty
Law of the Sea
Australian Signature for Multilaterals at Place and Date
Montego Bay, 12/10/1982
Australian Implemention Requirements
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations 2000 ((SR2000 no. 283)
Maritime Legislation Amendment Act 1994 No. 20 of 1994
Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1994 No. 64 of 1994
Sea Installations Act 1987 (No 102 of 1987)
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (Privileges and Immunities) Regulations 1998 (SR No.41)
Border Protection Legislation Amendment Act (No 160 of 1999)
Customs Legislation Amendment Act (No 1) (No 137 of 1999)
Customs Amendment Regulations 1999 (No 5) (SR 1999 No 323)
Entry into Force Generally, Date and Conditions
Entry into Force for Australia, Date and Conditions
Treaty Acceptance
1. Action and Date
Ratification, 10/05/1994
1. Done at and Date
2. Action and Date
Treaty Withdrawal
1. Action and Date
2. Action and Date
Registered with UN
Other Series Numbers and Reference to Text
Act 1994/20 (Pts II, V, VI); [SD3011]; UNTS 1833 p3 & 1835 p149 & 261;
Amendments to Treaty and Notes
replaced Conventions (4) and Optional Protocol of 29 April 1958 Note 1. Part XI Sect 4 established the International Seabed Authority; See related Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of 23 May 1997. Note 2: Annex VI contained the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; See related Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of 23 May 1997 See Australian objection of 3 Aug 1988 to Philippine reservation. See declaration concerning the application to Australia of the dispute settlelemt provisions of the Convention [2002] ATS 6
Last Updated