
Convention on Biological Diversity

Australian Treaty Series Number[1993] ATS 32
Done at Place and Date Rio de Janeiro, 06/05/1992
Short TitleCBD
Treaty Status (General) In Force
Treaty Status (Australia) In Force
Agreement Type Multilateral
Status List Site
Subject of Treaty Biodiversity
Australian Signature for Multilaterals at Place and DateRio de Janeiro, 06/05/1992
Australian Implemention RequirementsNatural Heritage Trust of Australia Act 1997 (No 76 of 1997) Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (No 91 of 1999)
Entry into Force Generally, Date and Conditions12/29/1993
Entry into Force for Australia, Date and Conditions12/29/1993
Treaty Acceptance
1. Action and Date Ratification, 06/18/1993
1. Done at and Date
2. Action and Date
Treaty Withdrawal
1. Action and Date
2. Action and Date
Registered with UN
Other Series Numbers and Reference to Text[SD4011]; ILM 31 p818; Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilisation to the Convention on Biological Diversity, done at Nagoya 29 October 2010, [2012] ATNIF 3
Amendments to Treaty and Notes
Last Updated06/11/2013